Lesson 6
Holy Bible: The Written Word of God
The Holy Bible, as a religious book, has a place of paramount importance in our lives.It is the Holy Book of a religion with the highest number of following in the world. Christians, likeJews, respect and recognize the Old Testament as sacred. The Bible is the most translatedand most distributed Book in the world. So far, the entire Bible has been translated into 2454languages. In addition, the New Testament has been translated into 1168 languages andcertain parts of the Bible have been translated into another 848 languages through which theWord of God has reached the people of various countries. The majority of the people in theworld seek inspiration, guidance and direction from the Bible for their daily lives.The Holy Bible is important, not only because it is a religious book, but also becausethis book has greatly influenced human history and human culture. Inspired by the Bible, manhas produced immortal works in the field of art, literature, music, paintings, sculpture etc andthese have played a very important and significant role in man's ideological growth. The Biblethat proclaims human dignity and equality is the fundamental source of values like fraternity,peace, harmony and non-violence. No other book can claim such an influence over humanhistory and civilization. We received the word of God through divine revelations and divineinterventions in human history.
History of Divine Revelation
Man can come to the knowledge of God only when God reveals Himself and only tothe extent He reveals Himself to him. In other words he cannot understand God totally throughreason without the help of God's revelation. Therefore, the most benevolent God decided toreveal Himself and blessed us with the knowledge of His will hidden from us for ages. (DivineRevelation, n. 2) By 'Divine Revelation' we mean the process of God revealing Himself to man.Jesus, the Word incarnate, is the definitive and perfect revelation of God. Divine Revelation isthe revelation of the word of God. Briefly, the history of divine revelation is the history of theword of God. It is the history of Jesus the Word incarnate, who is the definitive and perfectrevelation. The divine revelation is definitively fulfilled through different stages of the savingplan of God.1. Divine Revelation through Creation
God first revealed His love and mercy in and through creation. The Book of Genesistestifies that God created the world through the Word. The whole of the created world, from thecreation of light on the first day to the creation of man on the sixth day, reveals God in apreliminary manner. The scriptural verse that man was created in God's own image andlikeness confirms the fact that creation is God's own self- revelation. God continues to revealthrough the created universe. “The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmamentproclaims his handiwork” (Psalm 19:1). Every creature in this world reveals God and throughthe created universe God speaks to all. God's glory and power are revealed through themystery, that is, the universe. St. Paul makes this clear: “Ever since the creation of the worldhis eternal power and divine nature invisible though they are, have been understood and seenthrough the things he has made. So they are without excuse” (Rom 1:20). Hence, the createdworld is the first phase and the universal form of divine revelation.The2. Revelation through Messengers
The second phase of divine revelation is the phase of messengers appointed by God.God revealed to the chosen people of Israel whom He called to be His witnesses before thewhole creation through some chosen persons. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses,Joshua, Judges, Kings and prophets were all the messengers of God. God reached Hismessages to the people and led the salvific plan forward from time to time through thesemessengers. The Old Testament gives the synopsis of such messages and the positive andnegative responses of the people of Israel to such messages and revelations. The messageswere introduced with the words! “The Lords says……”. They used such introductory statements toconvince the people that the messages were not their own words but of God.3. Jesus - The Definitive Revelation of God
The Word of God in its fullness is visible to us in Jesus the Incarnate. “In the beginningwas the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginningwith God; all things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came in tobeing.…and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son,” (Jn 1:1-14). ThisGospel verse witnesses to the fact that Jesus and the Word of God is one and the same. Theauthor of the epistle to the Hebrews makes it very clear that the Word of God is fully visible afterincarnation. “In many and various ways by the prophets, but in these last days he has spokento us by a Son, whom He appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created theworlds..” (Heb 1:1-2). The saving plan of God, which began in paradise, is completed in Jesus.Jesus, the only Son of the Father, has understood the essence of divine mysteries. “No onehas ever seen God; it is God the only Son, who is close to the Father’s heart, who has madehim known” (Jn 1:18). Hence we believe that the Mystery of God, which Jesus revealed, isdefinitive and perfect revelation of God. Since the definitive revelation through Jesus is perfectand divine, we cannot get a better revelation.4. Divine Revelation and the Church
Jesus, the Word of God incarnate, in the fullness of time, perfected divine revelationby His presence, words and deeds. Jesus has not given us in a book-form what he has saidand done. But He chose and appointed twelve apostles to bear witness to the divine revelationperfected and completed in Him and to proclaim it to the ends of the earth. They treasured andproclaimed Jesus – the definitive revelation of God and the Word of life which has existed fromthe very beginning, which they have heard, seen with their eyes, touched with their hands (1 Jn1:1) The Church built on the foundation of the apostles is the body of Christ and the Church isthe continuation of it on the earth. Church is the custodian, proclaimer and interpreter of thedivine revelation (Word of God) handed down to us by the apostles. It is the Church that givesus the 73 Books of the Holy Bible as revealed Scriptures. These books from the Old Testamentand the New Testament which were written in the Church were selected and accepted by theChurch as inspired by God.The Bible: Word of God in the Written Form
The Holy Bible contains only the written form of the divine revelation which wasentrusted to the Church by God. The totality of revelation is in the Church. Divine Revelationnot recorded in the Bible in the written form is called the Sacred Tradition of the CatholicChurch. The WORD, that is, the Divine Revelation is handed over to us today in their totality bythe Church in the written form through Sacred Scripture and in the unwritten form throughSacred Tradition (DV 9-10). The Catholic Church preserves, protects and interprets God'srevelation to all men and women on the earth. The Church continues to transmit God'srevelation also to those who do not accept the Catholic Church and those who try to destroy.The Bible is a series of 73 divinely inspired books starting with the Book of Genesisand ending with the Book of Revelation. The Holy Bible got its name from the Greek term'Biblia' and all the books of the Old Testament except three books were written in Hebrew. Thebook of Wisdom and the first and second book of Maccabees were written in Greek. All theNew Testament Books were written in Greek. However, there is a tradition that holds that theGospel of Matthew was written in Aramaic.We are accustomed to read the Bible according to verses and chapters. But when itwas written, there was no separation of verses and chapters. It was Cardinal StephenLangton, the Archbishop of England who divided the books of the Bible into chapters in A.D1205. Robert Stephen, a missionary, divided them into verses in 1555. The whole Biblecontains 1334 chapters (1074 in the Old Testament and 260 in the New Testament) and itcontains altogether 35527 verses (27570 in the Old Testament and 7957 in the NewTestament).According to Jewish tradition the Old Testament Books are divided into three, namelyLaw, Prophets and Writings. The 'Law' is made up of the first five books of the Bible. The'Prophetic' books are Joshua, Judges, books of Samuel, books of Kings and the books of theprophets. The remaining eleven books are known as 'Writings'. According to Christiantradition, the Old Testament books are distinguished as historical, prophetical andinstructional and the New Testament as Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Epistles of St.Paul,Catholic/Universal Epistles and Revelation.Canonical Nature of the Bible
The Greek term 'Canon' is a word used by carpenters to refer to their measuring rod. Itis the Alexandrian Bishop Tharsius (A D 293-373) who used this term for the first time to refer tothe divinely inspired books in the Holy Bible in 367 A D The motif behind the use of the term“Canon” is the thought that the word of God is the measuring rod of Christian life (Gal 6:16; Phil3:16). The second Council of Nicea (A D 769) also defined these books as canonical books.According to the Catholic tradition the Bible contains 73 canonical books. But the Protestantreformer Martin Luther (1483-1546) declared four New Testament texts, namely, Hebrews,James, Jude and Revelation and seven Old Testament books, namely the books of Wisdom,Sirach, I and II Macabees, Judith, Esther and Tobit as non- canonical. St. Jerome (347-420)had clearly stated that there are 46 canonical books in the Old Testament. In the NewTestament, 27 books are recognized as canonical.Translations of the Bible
The Greek translation of the Old Testament written in Hebrew is known as'Septuagint'. Its translation was completed around 180 B C The Septuagint Bible contains 46books. St. Jerome, known as the father of Biblical studies, translated the whole Bible into Latin.This translation is known as 'Vulgate'. The Syriac translation of the Bible is known as 'Peshitha'Bible.The Holy Bible: The Book Inspired by God
The Holy Bible is inspired by God. The way God helped the writers of the Bible in theirwriting is termed 'divine inspiration'. According to Catholic teaching, the 'Divine Inspiration'means four things1. The writers received clear inspiration from the Holy Spirit while writing the Bible.2. Since the human authors wrote by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they included in theBible only what God wanted.3. The Bible will not make mistake in the teachings related to divine subjects.4. The style, language and theological views of the human authors will be reflected in theirwritings.In the light of the above-mentioned facts, the divine inspiration is a divine act and thebible is written in human words and style. What was inspired by the Spirit of God, make suchwritten words as the measuring criterion of divine revelation. What is originally written by thehuman author is inspired by God. The only criterion for measuring the authenticity of thetranslations is its faithfulness to the original writing. Only those translations which have the'imprimatur' of the Catholic Church are considered official translations. We have to make sure,therefore, that the faithful use only the translations having the imprimatur of a competentauthority of the Catholic Church.Explaining 'Divine Inspiration' in the Apostolic Letter 'Providentissimus Deus', PopeLeo XIII says that the Holy Spirit, by his supernatural power, inspired, transformed and helpedthe authors to understand and write the inspirations of the Holy Spirit without any error ordefects. Hence, we can clearly say that the author of the Bible containing eternal truths is God.Meanings of the Holy Bible
The Holy Bible is mainly a spiritual book. God speaks to us through the words of theBible. We must listen to the Word to grasp its meaning. According to the teaching of theCatholic Church, there are five types of meanings. One can distinguish between two senses ofScripture: the literal and the spiritual, the latter being subdivided into the allegorical, moral andanagogical senses (CCC. 115-118).1. Literal Sense
The literal sense is the meaning conveyed by the words of Scripture and discoveredby exegesis, following the rules of sound interpretation: "All other senses of Sacred Scriptureare based on the literal (CCC 116).2. Spiritual Sense
Thanks to the unity of God's plan, not only the text of Scripture but also the realitiesand events about which it speaks can be signs. The words, events and realities presented inthe Holy Bible have a spiritual meaning beyond the literal meaning. By spiritual meaning, we understandthe message that gives strength to the spiritual growth of man.3. Symbolic Sense or Allegorical Sense.
We can acquire a more profound understanding of events by recognizing theirsignificance in Christ; thus the crossing of the Red Sea is a sign or type of Christ's victory andalso of Christian Baptism [Cf. I Cor 10:2].4. Moral Sense
The events reported in Scripture ought to lead us to act justly. As St. Paul says, theywere written "for our instruction"[I Cor 10:11; cf. Heb 3:1 -4:11]. The word of God, thus, remainsas an inspiration for our lives. When we accept and live the message imparted to us throughthe word and events, the word becomes alive in us.5. Anagogical sense
We can view realities and events in terms of their eternal significance, leading ustoward our true homeland. Thus the Church on earth is a sign of the heavenly Jerusalem (Cf.Rev 21:1 - 22:5). Hence we must read and interpret the word of God with an orientation toheaven. The message of the word of God is made clear to us through these meanings. We aresaved by understanding and putting into practice this message.Interpretation of the Bible
The Bible - the written form of the word of God - was shaped in the Church. The HolyBible is an inestimable treasure, which God entrusted to the Church. First and foremost, theright to interpret the word of God belongs to the Church. The Council of Vatican II gives threeprinciples to be borne in mind while interpreting the Bible (D.V.12).1. We must pay attention to the content and unity of the whole Bible. Though there aredifferences in the books of the Bible, there is a unity running through the presentation of theentire Bible. The basis of this unity is the unity of the divine revelation, for all the books inthe Holy Bible were written by the inspiration of the same Spirit.2. The living tradition of the whole Church must be taken into account along with the harmonywhich exists between elements of the faith. Independent interpretations separated fromthe traditions can go wrong.3. Interpretation of the Bible must be based on Christian faith and teaching of the Church'sMagisterium.Let the knowledge of the Bible enable us to look at the Bible - the written word of God- withdue respect, read prayerfully and discern the will of God and live accordingly.II. Let us Discuss
1. The role of God is very significant in the writing of the Bible - the word of God.2. Cite a few anti-catholic biblical interpretations which you have heard from non-Catholics.As a catholic how will you respond to them?III. Activity
I will read the word of God daily.IV. Let us Enlighten our Hearts
“The words that I have spoken to you are Spirit and Life” (Jn 6:63).Find out Answers