Lesson 12
You, Be My Witness
After resurrection just before His ascension, Jesus called His disciples near Him andsaid: “ You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of theearth. When he had said this, as they were watching, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out oftheir sight” (Act 1:8-9).Jesus had chosen His disciples to be along with Him for four years. He taught them, hadgiven chances to see His miracles directly and listens to His teachings. And then Jesus sent Hisdisciples to the end of the world with a mission of witness. Similarly, during the last twelve years,Jesus was teaching us, the members of the church through catechism classes and allowed us toparticipate in His services through life training. Now, at the end of this training Jesus is sending allof us, the members of the Church by baptism, to the ends of the world. He sends us with theexhortation-'be my witnesses'.
Each Christian Disciple – a Witness to Jesus
Each Christian disciple is a witness to Jesus. Wherever they may be, they are called tobear witness to Christ like a lamp placed on the pedestal. Jesus said: “Let your light shine beforeothers, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father in heaven” (Mt.5:16).He said again: “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for oneanother” (Jn. 13:35). He also made it clear that you are the salt of the earth and the light of theworld.Christians are people who became children of God and members of the Church throughbaptism. He blessed us in confirmation with the power to bear witness to Him and to proclaim thegospel. Thus we are sent to be witness to Him. We can be witnesses to Him in different zones anddifferent ways.Different Fields of Witnessing
Christian witness has mainly three fields. They are the family, parish and community.
Family: -A person is born into Christian life, grow and live in the context of the family. It is there
that Christian witness is most essential. When parents live obeying the words of Jesus, theybecome a model and inspiration to their children. Family becomes a home of love. When childrenare trained in the words of Jesus, family becomes a Christian gurukulam.Parish: -The second phase of witnessing life for a Christian is his parish community. It is in thecontext of the parish the faithful forms his life of faith, lives it and shares it. We can bear witness toJesus by participating in the teachings of the parish and Sunday celebrations with devotion. Wemust be careful to bear witness to Jesus by participating in the activities of the pious associations,family units and faith formation activities and deeds of charity. Another stage for Christian witnessis to participate in various pastoral activities of the parish.Community:-The third phase of witness is the community. Each one of us is a citizen of thecountry or community in which we live. Each Christian is obliged to live as a good citizen. EveryChristian can be witnesses to Christ by fulfilling one's responsibilities and works in the communityproperly and exactly. Christians can turn their zones of activities and services as areas ofwitnessing. All the faithful should be ready to use all the God-given positions, gifts and talents,taking them in the real sense and using them for the good of man. Their life will become atestimony to others.Different Ways of Witness
Christian witness has several ways. Important among them are life witness,sacramental-life, evangelization, deeds of charity, struggle for values, social activities, life ofsuffering, martyrdom etc.Life Witness
The most important among Christian witness is an exemplary life. The life of those whobelieve in Jesus itself should become a witness. Their life should be according to the teachings of Jesus.Their life style in family, church, and community itself should be an example beforeothers. We have to be careful that through our lives and activities others may know God and leada life of virtues. In future you may be a teacher or a nurse or a police officer or a doctor or a farmeror a businessman. Wherever you may be, whatever may be your work, you should work with theconviction that by your life God is blessing others and see your work as a service and bring it tocompletion. Then only we will be able to be witness to Jesus and be instruments of His grace.Evangelization
The second phase to witness to Jesus is evangelization. We must speak to others aboutJesus the savior. We must speak to them about the salvation He had given and gives. Then onlyothers will experience salvation and own it. And further, it is the mission of every Christian.Jesus entrusted this mission to His disciples before His ascension “Go into all the world andpreach the gospel to the whole creation” (Mk.16: 15). Second Vatican Council also teaches thisrepeatedly. “Church is missionary by its very nature. The fundamental mission of the missionarychurch is evangelization” (Mission 2: 35).Sacramental Life
The noblest duty of Christian disciples is the worship of God. The greatest worship of theChurch is the Eucharist. Christian disciples worship God and obtain divine power through theEucharist and other sacraments. Divine life is imparted to the faithful through the Holy Eucharistand other sacraments. We can become witness to Jesus through active participation in the HolyMass, frequent reception of sacraments, participation in Sunday celebrations and enthusiasticparticipation in the pastoral activities of the Parish. Through our sacramental life we can be aninstrument for others to lead a life of faith.Acts of Charity
Acts of charity is a large zone to bear witness to Christ. These are the deeds done in thename of Jesus to help the suffering, the sorrowful, the orphans and the weak. We becomewitness to Christ through charitable acts like giving food to the hungry and water to the thirsty,cloth to the naked; visit the sick and the prisoners etc. Through such deeds many, irrespective ofcaste or creed, come to know and experience the love of Jesus. With this spirit, we do variousacts of charity at parish level, and diocesan level. Orphanages, hospitals, educational institutions, old agehomes, institutions for the physically and mentally handicapped areexamples of such activities of charity under the leadership of the Church. We should participate insuch acts of charity individually and family-wise. We must take care to participate in such acts ofcharity by helping the poor financially as much as we can.Social Work
In addition to acts of charity every Christian is obliged to engage in social work. Jesusfought against evil. Christians should be careful to raise their voice against evil and wrong socialsystems and to stand for Gospel values. It is the duty of every Christian. Leaders, Christians andnon-Christians, inspired by Christian values, very often, lighted the lamp for changes. Similarly,let it be possible for us to stand for goodness in every circumstance, to fight against the evil and aninstrument for social changes.Life of Suffering
Another area of Christian witness is a life of suffering. It is an essential part of Christianlife. When we obey the words of Jesus and live, it is natural that we get chances for suffering.Jesus said, “If you want to follow me, take up your cross and come after me” (Mt.16:24 ). Hence,every Christian should be aware of the fact that when we take up sufferings for Jesus, we areblessed. Similarly, we may be tortured by the very fact that we are Christians. But Christiansshould not become feeble or go astray in sufferings. The disciples and martyrs were remainedstrong and happy before persecution and suffering in the name of Jesus. If we want to be so in themidst of persecution and suffering we need the grace of the Holy Spirit. It is this grace that enabledthe apostles and the martyrs to surrender their lives even unto death for Jesus. When we are filledwith this divine power through prayer and sacraments, we too will get the power to bear witness toJesus Christ.It is this message which Jesus gives to each one of us who have completed twelve yearsof Christian formation- 'You, be my witnesses.' Bearing this message in our hearts let us bewitness to Jesus in all the circumstances of our life. Thus let Jesus make us worthy for eternalbliss promised to those who bear witness to Jesus in this world.II. Let us Discuss
1. Find out the different phases where the youth can be a witness to Jesus.2. The influence of faith- formation in your life?III. Activity
In my future life, I will bear witness to Christ and Christian values.IV. Let us Enlighten our Hearts
“You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how can its Saltiness be restored?It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown out and trampled under foot. You are the lightof the World” (Mt. 5:13-14).Find out Answers